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To be loved and appreciated by local communities

Become a “loving person who takes the joy of others as his own.” On top of that, I work with the thought that I will do what I can to support the users and their families so that they can realize happiness while keeping in mind the happiness of myself and my family.


Thank you for visiting the website of Nishiguchi FP Real Estate.

My name is Yasutsumu Nishiguchi, the representative.

After graduating from university, I have worked in the real estate industry for many years, starting with the planning and development of new real estate businesses.

At first, I was a business partner for corporations, but after that, I helped many people with real estate sales, such as sales of newly built houses, orders for custom houses, brokerage of second-hand houses, etc., and learned a lot from customers. I was allowed to.

The scolding from the customer, "Are you still a professional?" has now become my guiding principle, "I appreciate the customer, and the customer appreciates me." , became the sustenance for me to work wholeheartedly.

After that, more and more customers were happy to say, "I'm so glad I asked you."

However, when I was a salaried worker, I had a bitter feeling that I could not provide services that prioritized the interests of our customers due to restrictions such as corporate policies.

Feeling the limit, we established a consulting-type real estate company by a financial planner in 2012, wanting to realize a real estate transaction that truly puts the customer first.

As a financial planner (FP) specializing in real estate consulting, we provide not only real estate, but also housing loans, taxes, inheritance, insurance products, and life plans in order to fulfill the dreams and goals of our customers' life plans. We provide advice and support for execution from a long-term and comprehensive perspective.

Although we are a newly established company, we are able to make use of the experience and knowledge we have cultivated so far, and we are able to provide detailed support for each and every customer, which could not be done by a major real estate company. I will do my best to be a "real estate town doctor" who can do it.